#34 How to clean up email lists effectively

Season #1

Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! https://www.aikohemingway.com/free-workshop

I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do clients' work for 10 hours a week, and I have time for growing my business, creating free content, going to the beach, and studying in different courses. If this is your goal as a coach, you are in the right place.

In this episode, I shared how I clean up my lists and lose 80% of people on my lists each time I do it. When I did that recently, my email list of 250 became 58. And the amazing thing was I just had the biggest month income wise. Is your email list big, but not converting? The engagement is low? I do not recommend my way of doing it to everyone, but if you do it, let me know how it goes. Carrying a stagnant audience can influence your energy because you get frustrated that they do not buy your course, do not take action, and do not get results. Having small following that buys your products, signs up for your high ticket offers, and gets results can bring you more money fast!

#tinylist #highticketoffer #microniche #nichedown #doubleit #coachingbusiness


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