3 Tips to Start Your Coaching Business Now

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2022


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5 people only! Apply for The Start Course 

Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need a big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here.


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do clients'...

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3 reasons not to follow trends when it comes to content creation

Uncategorized Jul 02, 2022


Listen to this episode on Podcast.


5 people only! Apply for The Start Course

Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need a big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here.


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do clients' work for 10...

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3 Reasons to Decide your prices on your own not based on the middle market prices

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2022


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5 people only! Apply for The Start Course 


Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need a big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here.


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do...

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Do you want to take my business coaching in September?

Uncategorized Jun 25, 2022


Listen to this episode on Podcast.


5 people only! Apply for The Start Course 

Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need a big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here.


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do clients'...

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3 Marketing Tips to Position Yourself as a Premium Coach

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2022


Listen to this episode on Podcast.


Aiko Hemingway's 12-week business coaching 


Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I...

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3 Positioning Tips to Become a Premium Coach in Your Field

Uncategorized Jun 18, 2022


Listen to this episode on Podcast.


Aiko Hemingway's 12-week business coaching 

Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do clients'...

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Influencer with 2.6 Mil Followers could not sell 36 T-shirts (And I make 6 figures with a small following)

Uncategorized Jun 15, 2022


Listen to this episode on Podcast.


Aiko Hemingway's 12-week business coaching 


Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do...

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How to Grow Your Coaching Business

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2022


Listen to this episode on Podcast.


Aiko Hemingway's 12-week business coaching 


Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do...

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Charge higher to attract high end clients

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2022


Listen to this episode on Podcast.


Aiko Hemingway's 12-week business coaching 


Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here. 


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do...

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Charge higher so that only 20% of people say yes

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2022


Aiko Hemingway's 12-week business coaching 


Make a 6 figure coaching business with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. You do not need big following to reach 6 figures as a coach! Download a PDF guide here.


I help coaches work less and reach 6 figures with a micro niche, tiny lists, and high ticket offers. Do you think that you have to have big following and many clients to reach 6 figures, and keep working day after day? No, that does not have to be true. It is possible for you to reach 6 figures with very small following, small email lists, and a small niche. When you do that, you can charge very high and create coaching programs that are above $10k. Then, you will have time for doing other things and enjoying life. I built an American English pronunciation coaching business and I reached multiple 6 figures with small lists of 250, a micro niche, and $10k plus coaching offers. And I do clients' work for 10 hours a week, and I have...

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